Our 2024 Grant Recipient Class
Since our very first program in 2019, we have made tangible investments in the futures of our most talented youth. Grants are used to fund custodial stock market accounts. Meet our previous grant recipients classes here.

Abram Springs
When learning about how to write checks in exchange for a donut, Abram - seeing a few extra donuts left - wrote his check for three. He walked home very happy!

Jose Vazquez
A trooper of our Salazar site, transportation did not stop Jose from pursuing every one of his classes. Intelligent and wonderfully kind, he is a truly model student with a bright future.

Sarai Rodríguez
Heading into her senior year of high school, she came excited to class, at first, the only student of her site! She hopes to use knowledge to start budgeting and saving up for a car.

Abraham Rodríguez
Amazing his instructors by his growth, Abraham had the highest literacy improvement scores of 40% increase. He hopes to go to college and major in engineering.​

Joshua Munoz
Heading into his sophomore year of high school, Joshua made enormous strides in infamously difficult macroeconomic section - with lots of self-studying and hard work.

Mark Youssef
The first to ask questions and always the last to stay behind every class. Mark enjoyed learning how to do taxes the most, as he felt that it was very valuable with him currently working a job!

Daniel Guzman
Daniel attended one class of our 2023 Program last year and decided, this time around, to commit to it. In the top 10 of our MarketWatch game, he plans on applying his financial literacy knowledge to his college business major. He plans on working in finance!

James Rodriguez
A high school freshmen, James was both one of the most prolific respondents and providers of questions. He hopes to enter the engineering or kinesiology filed and cannot wait to start investing with his grant.

Noemi Perez
Heading into her junior year of high school, Noemi had one of the highest literacy improvement scores this year. She hopes to apply to her newfound knowledge to her life and career hopefully working in finance.

Elisha Stenseng
A natural leader pursuing a career in business management, Elisha has credited the program with helping her decisions in business. She plans to use a portion of the grant to invest, while the rest goes to her college fund.

Faith Won
Faith joins the ranks of only thee others in our entire history to achieve a perfect score on her midterm exam. During our taxation unit, she completed the entire calculations before the worksheet had been handed out to whole class.

Citali Rangel
Always beaming, Citali had one of the most tenacious work ethics. She spent every night studying our cheat sheets. Her favorite lesson was life insurance upon learning when you're younger, it is cheaper to buy!